2014年9月17日 星期三


經過多次台灣明愛的介紹及討論,重慶市萬州教區 何主教非常認同明愛會的使命、精神及任務,因此願按正規制度採取德國當年的緣起,由堂區先行成立『堂區明愛』。

在 何主教的教區裡有一位平信徒,易瑪竇先生,曾接受過教會的培育及有實際服務(在汶川及雲南大地震時社會關懷)的經驗,他所屬的本堂即巫山天主堂,經由本堂神父的認可,於2014年八月中旬(聖母升天曕禮當日),正式成立巫山天主堂『明愛會』;開始關懷堂區需要幫助的較貧困及弱勢教友們,台灣明愛會亦有代表 MR. Paul Liu 在場,他再次向全體教友介紹『堂區明愛』的使命,並給予鼓勵及祝福!




I am Caritas!
After several visits of Caritas Taiwan to Bishop He of Wanzhuo Diocese to introduce and discuss about Caritas, Bishop He finally approved to initiate its mission and spirit at the parish level like how it started in Germany.
The approval of the parish based caritas was made on the 15th of August  - Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Mr. Matthew Yi as the appointed Director. Mr. Yi has been working closely with the volunteers in rehabilitation of Wen Chun and Yunnan earthquake victims. His background in theology coupled with his ample experiences of both pastoral and social services made him more suitable to start Caritas Wushan program for the care of the poor brothers and sisters.
Present during the celebration was Caritas Taiwan staff, Mr. Paul Liu, who once again introduced Caritas’ Mission and Vision to the parishioners.
In the Eucharistic celebration, the parishioners in returned raised RMB500 as their support to the newly established Caritas in their parish.
Two weeks later, Wushan District was hit by a strong storm that caused heavy mudslides which claimed the life of 8 people, 12 were declared missing and there were about 150,000 left homeless.
Caritas Wushan immediately took action and at the same time released an emergency appeal to the Churches. Caritas Taiwan is expending this appeal in behalf of Caritas Wushan.
There are already 500 packages of children’s necessities for Caritas Wushan.

1. The parish priest of Wushan Parish - Fr. Zhang, explained to the parishioners a work or collaboration that is founded in the love of God.
2.  Mr. Matthew Yi, Director of Caritas Wushan.
      3. Mr. Paul Liu, Caritas Taiwan - China Concern Desk.
巫山本堂 張傳倫神父宣講巫山明愛互助协協會成立的重要性


